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My name is Joy Akinwonmi

I have spent many years of my life doing many things; a few of them being core to who I am. I have always found great pleasure in helping people in ways that significantly matter to them. Over the years, I have seen this materialise differently.
I could be mentoring and coaching, or I could be digging deep to unearth solutions to an issue for a friend or simply running an errand.

These are only a few expressions of God in me, and they keep me consciously grateful and humble.

My own journey so far has been interesting, There have peaks, troughs, detours and bleak and brilliantly bright days, But none of the things I went through were able to extinguish my super powers.

Writing is one of my most cherished mediums of expression, it is another beautiful God-expression. I love writing.  I started by writing on walls- In all crayon colours. My parents used to think I was going to end up being a teacher (I am, in many ways). I started teaching as a child and I have taught in one way or the other since then, passionately bringing knowledge and truth to my audience.

My husband and children have become accustomed to my ‘me times’. These are some of the most exciting times of my day because I look forward to the journeys I can embark on within a book and the ones that I can create.

I am also a management consultant with over 17 years experience .

I have attained degrees in Learning and Development, Organisational Development and Design, and the French Language. I am an author of four books, and I also passionately work with Christian parents under the ministry- ArrowsNarchers.

I love travelling and collecting information about new places and food. I love reading and research and must always find a solution to a problem, I love organising, I enjoy cooking and jazz music.

I am happily married to my biggest fan (my precious) and we are blessed with three wonderful children (Cupcake, Sweet pea and The General).

Many young women have been silenced by relegation, rejection, strength shaming, condemnation, brokenness, and guilt. At the same time, their calling and eternal vocation are seeking expression. They know there is something they should be doing that is intricately woven into the fabric of their future and life's fulfilment, but they cannot reach it. I don’t use the words "I have been in your shoes" lightly and I can recognise these setbacks because I have walked on a long road towards the confident expression of my own eternal vocation, and I want to help you make that journey to attaining the confidence that your calling needs. Part of my assignment here on earth is to help young women move from: • trapped to transformed • frail to formidable • feeble to firm • forgotten to forgiven

- No fear!